This concise and clear little guide book is perfect for those who don’t quite understand how it feels to be highly sensitive.

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This is my first book inspired by my own experiences of being highly sensitive and parenting a highly sensitive child, along with the experiences of all the wonderful people who are members of the closed Facebook group Supporting the Highly Sensitive Child.  If you read this book and find it helpful, I would be so grateful if you could share, comment and review. It really helps to spread the word, because coming to understand highly sensitive children can transform lives.

  • Reading time: 1 hour
  • Formats available: paperback, ebook

It’s not easy to be a highly sensitive child.

Nor is it always easy to raise, care for, guide and teach a highly sensitive child. Because the highly sensitive child experiences the world a little differently, and that can be difficult to understand.

This book aims to help you experience the world from the child’s perspective so that you can better understand them and help them to grow and thrive. In this simple, concise guide I distil the reams of information available on the highly sensitive child so that you can get the knowledge you need quickly and easily.

Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: ‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be crazy by those who could not hear the music.’ The highly sensitive child isn’t crazy. Nor are they slow, or weak, or just ‘not tough enough’. They simply dance to a tune that not everyone can hear. This book helps you hear the music to which the highly sensitive child dances. Once you know the tune exists, and you listen for it carefully, you’ll find it’s beautiful, moving, powerful music.

This is what Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D., said about this book.  Elaine is the author of the worldwide bestsellers The Highly Sensitive Person and The Highly Sensitive Child, and she has pioneered the research into highly sensitive people.

“As the author of this truly brilliant little book, James Williams explains that he is not an academic or a psychologist. I am simply a man who feels very passionately about the subject. He is highly sensitive and so is one of his daughters, and he writes about sensitivity with both simplicity and depth. His sensitivity also shows in his book’s briefness. Caregivers of children need an author to get to the point so they can go get groceries, pick up the kids etc. James’s book can be read in an hour, yet it has charming examples as well as great suggestions and a full, scientifically accurate description of the trait. James is reaching out to all parents, carers and teachers of sensitive children and whether through this book or on his website, he is a wonderful resource.” 

4 star rating
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4 star rating
I really liked this book. I have read quite a few books on High sensitivity – and I liken my own sensitivity to my inner child/core self so I found this book clear, concise, helpful, and insightful. I recommend this to anyone who wants to be more sensitive to other children or to themselves.
Amazon customer
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5 star rating
I thought this was very helpful in understanding sensitive children and how best to help them. More people would be helped by reading this book
Amazon customer
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5 star rating
We knew there was some sort of issue with my grandson, Gabriel, but we thought it could be autism. I worked with such children and the signs pointed that way. By chance, I came across this book, and it was a revelation. Both myself and his parents, on reading it, were saying “Oh my God, that’s Gabriel!!” The little scenarios are brilliant, and really do help you to see it through the child’s eyes…[more]
Amazon customer